Branding 101: Part 3 – The Website

In Testimonial by admin

In today’s market, a professional website is a “must” for every business. From a simple one-page presence, to a highly complex digital storefront, the possibilities are endless!

When building a website for your business, there are two audiences to consider – your customers, and Google. If you create a Google-friendly website, it will put your site at the forefront of relevant searches. This can yield HUGE results for your business!

With those two audiences in mind, ask these questions before you get started:

What are your customers looking for?

  • Attractive, easy-to-navigate design, on a mobile-friendly platform
  • Localized information and images – not stock photos from “Anywhere, USA”, but personal, familiar landscapes and people.
  • Answers to their immediate questions: how to access your products or services, and how to get in touch with you.

What is Google looking for?

  • A mobile-friendly website with regular updates. Blog posts and photos are easy, cost-effective ways to regularly update your website.
  • Relevant, localized content
  • Lots of photos and videos – Youtube is a great tool for this!


Ready to get started on your website?


What to look for in a professional website company:

Your goal should be to connect with the right designer – a designer who “gets” your business, and who is on the same page with your aesthetic and needs.


  • The right design company starts with a lot of listening. Once they grasp your specific needs, they will research your competition and target demographic, and propose creative ways for your audience to engage with your online presence.
  • The right design company will offer great design AND professional content – they are equally important!
  • The right designer will always ensure that your website that is both desktop compatible AND mobile-friendly!


A few extra tips:

  • Confirm that you will fully own your website upon completion of the project
  • Remember that you will need to pay for a domain name, hosting services, and an SSL annually, so include those costs in your marketing budget


Remember: Your online presence should always match your in-person presence, to give potential clients and partners a taste of what working with you will be like!


Are you looking for a professional, creative website designer? Call the R.C. team! Our award-winning designers and professional content developers are ready to help you create a website that will take your business to the next level.